Monday, September 5, 2011


Can you imagine what it would be like to be kidnapped and held hostage? Can you imagine how distraught you would be over being held hostage? Can you imagine how frustrated and restricted you would feel because of the limits that your captors had placed on you?

You would more than likely feel disoriented and lost. i think it is safe to say that being kidnapped and held hostage, uncertain of your fate would be an incredibly traumatic experience that none of us would ever want to be placed in, not really.

Many people are being held hostage right now, and don’t even realize it, the interesting thing about it is that their captor is themselves. The reality is that many people are holding themselves hostage.

I only bring this up because i have been sitting here for the past few days spending 15 mins a whack, looking at other women’s profiles, be they slave or submissive. I have come to realize these women are placing a lot of conditions on their submission, in essence holding themselves back from a life they dream about in the process. They are dictating limits to themselves, they are restricting their own freedom, and they feel lost and very uncertain of their fate. Like a typical hostage, they feel out of control. The self-imposed restrictions are not as obvious as they might be to a person who has been kidnapped, however they are there and they seem very real.

We in essence hold ourselves hostage. We deprive ourselves,by placing artificial limits upon ourselves. Every now and then we can see the light peeking from under the blindfold, we know it’s there, we know that we want to see the light, we know that we want to break free, however we don’t. I see this all the time when it comes to women who are afraid to take that small step from hiding behind a screen to reality.

You can say that in many ways we develop Stockholm syndrome and we sympathize with our captor. We make excuses for why we should be in the position that we are in and we make certain justifications for our behavior and we begin to believe the lies that our captor tells us. After all, the sweetest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.

Even when the self-imposed binds of restriction are released we still act as if we are restricted. In fact, we begin to fear freedom and all that comes with it. Some people have held themselves captive for so long that they no longer recognize their authentic self. I myself am no exception, my Master has told me this, and i believe Him. He has said “i will push away the debris, to reveal the true you.”

I am very disturbed by how lifeless these people seem in their profiles, especially when i know that most of what i see is self-imposed and that it could be corrected. These women could breathe new life into themselves if they would only awaken, if they only understood that there is so much more available to them than they realize and the dream of reality isn’t as farfetched as it seems.

You can decide to walk away from your captive anytime you like. You hold the ransom; you hold the keys to the cage you have put yourself in. It’s all up to you!

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I'm a great cook, but you'll probably fall in love with me the day I set the stove on fire with my creme brulee. I can argue a case as well as a lawyer, but you'll fall in love with me because of the silly faces I make