Friday, September 23, 2011

Control from a distance

1. He has me wear my hair down as much as possible.
2. I'm naked except when in public.
3. I have a task of using my ass for 2 hours a day.
4. I am not allowed to pm, unless there is a very good reason.
5. My travelling is restricted to certain places.
6. The company I keep is restricted, there are certain individuals I am not allowed to be around.
7. I keep a journal of my thoughts and feelings.
8. I read the books to him over skype, and will be on a schedule now at 10pm to read chapters then discuss them.
9. I am to call all Dominants by their proper honorific.
10. I ask to be dismissed or excused.
11. He can yank me from a channel on irc at a moment's notice.
12. He can pull me into a channel on irc at a moment's notice. It can really suck if you are in the middle of a sentence and typing. ROFL
13. I am handed tasks to complete, like writing dances, writing descriptions and learning drinks or gorean terms. I also have a trainer who I report too. I also now perform positions before a mirror.
14. I seek permission to touch myself and to orgasm.
15. I am on his schedule, I go to bed when he does and get up when he does and nap when he allows it if at all possible.
16. I am sexually restricted from the use of others, unless he allows it.
17. I am required to be honest and forthright with information and communication.
18. He can even see my entire screen and my personal messages when I share my screen with him on skype.
19. I have to drink at least 6 bottles of water a day

But none of this will compare to the moment, I'm there in his arms real time.

I can't wait. :)

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I'm a great cook, but you'll probably fall in love with me the day I set the stove on fire with my creme brulee. I can argue a case as well as a lawyer, but you'll fall in love with me because of the silly faces I make