Sunday, August 21, 2011

“I think to fully submit requires a blind, child-like faith. That is not an easy thing for a woman who grows up forced to be completely independent and in charge of everything around her.  Having to be a grown-up before one is grown, means learning to question everything and trust little; learning to suppress feelings and hide emotions.  A girl who grows up this way may be viewed as “mature beyond her years,” responsible, smart, level-headed and yes, this may result in good things in many areas of her life.  For example, she may find success professionally, academically, socially . . . . But that very same girl may also become a stubborn, mistrusting, very image-conscious woman.  It is not easy for that woman to  be submissive.

“There is a difference between obedience and submission. It is possible to obey without submitting. Obedience is an outward action, while submission is an inward attitude. In other words, He can instruct me to kneel before Him and I may then obediently drop to my knees before Him, but that does not necessarily mean that I am on my knees in my mind”

“He can tell me to kneel and present my bottom to be spanked, and the woman in the room may physically do so, but in my mind, my inner child may still be standing or even kicking and screaming, throwing herself to the floor.  That does not mean there is no value in Him demanding obedience.”

“By practicing obedience, the non-submissive may learn submission.  The more obedient one is, the more often her rebellious inner child is presented with the opportunity to feel the beauty of submission, the calm of compliance, the peace that comes with focusing on His needs.”

“A woman may kneel only out of obedience, but when she kneels, she is forced to look up at Him.  His position over her is reinforced.  She feels her knees push into the floor and becomes aware of her body and how it is positioned, how it looks to Him.  It is hard for that inner-child to continue kicking and screaming when she is kneeling.  The very position is a symbol of humbleness, of supplication, of admiration, of deference, of acceptance — all of which submission requires.”

“Obeying His direction to kneel for a spanking may overcome non-submission more quickly than being spanked in any other position.  To present one’s bottom on hands and knees is undeniably a submissive posture.  Unlike when He brings her over His knee, kneeling for a spanking deprives the defiant non-submissive the comfort of being close to Him and the security of having His lap under her.  It is also a very physically demanding posture; it is difficult to remain angry and belligerent when one must focus on staying in position.”

“I obeyed when He said kneel and be spanked.  I felt exposed and unable to hide.  He saw all of me even those parts of me I cannot bare to look at in the mirror, but He did not stop loving me.  The girl who does not trust easily, who challenges everything obeyed Him.  She chose to trust, chose not to challenge.  She knelt on the bed and waited because He said to do it. She ignored the voice of the woman who makes her own choices and controls her own universe.  In kneeling, she found humility and dignity; she displayed grace and femininity — submissiveness embodies each of these.”

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I'm a great cook, but you'll probably fall in love with me the day I set the stove on fire with my creme brulee. I can argue a case as well as a lawyer, but you'll fall in love with me because of the silly faces I make